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Tablet is how you book the world’s most exciting hotels — places where you get a memorable experience, not just a room for the night. For over 20 years we've scoured the earth to find hotels that stand out for their style, service, and personality — regardless of price. And since 2018, we’re the official hotel selection of the MICHELIN Guide. If you care where you stay, you've come to the right place.
Want to know more about Tablet Hotels? Explore the frequently asked questions below:
Do I need to be a member to use Tablet?
Anyone can book on Tablet. But if you
before you book, you'll gain access to our private Insider Sale discounts. Or, sign up for a free trial of Tablet Plus and you'll receive VIP upgrades and amenities at hundreds of our top hotels, as well as additional member-only offers.
What is Tablet Plus?
Tablet Plus members receive VIP treatment at hundreds of participating Plus hotels, with perks like room upgrades, daily breakfast, late check-out, airport transfers, hotel credit, and more. When you see a Plus hotel on Tablet, you’ll see the unique member privileges they offer. Plus members also receive access to member-only deals and discounts. All for just USD per year. Sign up for a free 30-day trial.
Does Tablet offer discounts?
Every day you'll find a range of hotel deals all throughout Tablet:
Tablet Sale: Deep discounts at the world's coolest hotels. Available daily to anyone using Tablet. No account needed.
Insider Sale: Private hotel discounts available only to Tablet account holders. Don't get left out in the cold.
and get lower prices.
Plus Member Sale: VIP hotel discounts available only to Tablet Plus members. Start your free trial to unlock these and other Tablet Plus perks.
Mobile Only Sale: Be rewarded for being a traveler. Get a discount on your next trip, even during your current one.
Lucky Room: You won't know your room until check-in, but you will know you scored an extra-low price.
Why should I book with you instead of a site like Expedia or a traditional travel agent?
That's our favorite question. There are a lot of ways to book a hotel, from brick and mortar agents to big-name websites. In fact, we actually have a partnership with You might notice some of their rates on our site, but you’ll also notice that we do so many things they don’t. For starters:
Curation: There are places out there that you wouldn't believe, and we help you discover them. For over 20 years we've scoured the earth to find hotels that stand out for their extraordinary style, service, and personality — regardless of price. We don’t have every hotel, we have every hotel that matters.
Rates: We have the best rates online and discounts at hotels that never go on sale. Our team can help you locate deals and special offers and answer any questions about rate policies. And if you happen to find a lower rate elsewhere we'll match it and give you 6 months of Tablet Plus, absolutely free.
Service: Our Travel Specialists are the best in the business. They’re a well-traveled team with years of experience recommending destinations and hotels, arranging special requests, modifying reservations, dealing with hiccups or last-minute emergencies, and making sure your trip goes as smoothly as possible.
Tablet Plus: For just USD/year, Tablet Plus members receive VIP treatment at hundreds of participating Plus hotels, with perks like room upgrades, free breakfast, late check-out, airport transfers, spa credit, and more. Best of all, you can use it as often as you want, for whomever you want. Start your free trial today.
Style and Substance: The Tablet staff is diverse, dedicated, well-dressed, and always down to dance. And our website and iOS App are a joy to use. Unlike our competitors, we focus only on hotels (not rental cars and cruises and flights and hotels). From inspiration to confirmation, our passion for hotels and hospitality is clear.
I have a special request, can you help?
And how! We've seen it all. Here are just a few special requests we've fulfilled over the years:
“We're traveling with another couple but we DO NOT want our room to be next to theirs. You understand.”
“This reservation is a surprise gift for my daughter, can I pay for it in advance?”
“What kind of headboard does the bed have? I plan on using handcuffs and I need something to attach them to.”
“We're a family of 2 adults, 4 kids, and 1 mother-in-law. Is there a hotel room that can fit us all?”
“High floor, away from the elevator (but not too far), hypoallergenic pillows, early check-in, and late check-out. Please!“
“Can you ask the hotel to put a picture of a llama on the bedside table?”
“I'm allergic to perfume, can you make sure the hotel doesn't use any scented products in my room? I also hate the color red.”
You know you want to stay at a Tablet hotel, but you’re not sure where on earth you want that hotel to be. No problem! Helping people find their escape is our specialty. Just give our Travel Specialists a date range, a rough budget, and a sense of what’s calling you (i.e. beach, mountains, golf, shopping) and we'll send back some hotel options perfect for your getaway. You can also use our Take Me Away machine. Choose what you want from a destination and it’ll show you the hotels that can get you there.